• Electronic Arts, Apex Legends collaboration release with celebrity talent Post Malone.

    The Apex Legends event of the year. Custom cosmetics designed with Posty Co, new LTMs and more. This campaign aims to excite new and existing players with the cross over between the worlds biggest talent Post Malone and the epic game of Apex Legends.

  • Electronic Arts: Apex Legends
    Director, Production: Jacky Gilson
    Senior Director, HOC: Ciaran McCarthy
    Group Creative Director, Campaign: Nick Clark
    Creative Lead: David Jarvis
    Senior Producer, Marcom: Scott Lilly
    Producer, Marcom: Sean Tomek
    Director of Brand Marketing: Devin Bennett
    Senior Manager, Talent Strategy: Madelyn Tournat
    Senior Manager, Creative Partnerships: Chin Pua

  • Production: Plural
    Executive Producer: Dillard Brown
    Director: Nate Townsend
    Line Producer: Jared Selcer
    Production Manager: Tierra Castro
    Production Coordinator: Nick Bergeman

    Director of Photography: Kyle Krupinski

    Editorial: Swing Set Productions
    Managing Director: Tobin Kirk
    Executive Producer: Chanel Boyd

In a groundbreaking collaboration that sent shockwaves through the gaming and entertainment realms,

Electronic Arts boldly approached Plural with a mission: to craft an unparalleled commercial spectacle for an upcoming Apex Legends event featuring none other than the chart-topping sensation, Post Malone. As the virtual battlegrounds of Apex Legends collided with the explosive energy of Post Malone's music, Plural embarked on a cinematic odyssey, seamlessly blending cutting-edge animation, jaw-dropping visuals, and heart-pounding soundscapes. The result was a mind-bending journey through a digital universe where gaming met music in an electrifying crescendo, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats and setting a new standard for the intersection of gaming and pop culture. Electronic Arts and Plural had not just created a commercial; they had forged an epic experience that transcended the boundaries of entertainment, leaving an indelible mark on the collective imagination of fans worldwide.